Millikin in the stars



21 March – 20 April

You want it, and you’ll get it. Keep fighting, Aries. You’re totally capable of doing what you’re setting out to do, and you will succeed if you keep going.



21 April – 21 May

The right opportunities are right in front of you. Don’t be afraid to ask about it! Even if you don’t think you’re up for the challenge at first, just remember all the things you’ve accomplished, you’ve got this.



22 May – 21 June

Even with all the effort you’ve put into it, some things just don’t turn out right. Don’t let it get you down, Gemini, there will be other chances to show what you can do. Stick to the path and don’t wander away this week.



22 June – 22 July

Sometimes it takes a bit of force to make something work. When something doesn’t seem to be working this week, just give it a good knock. You might have to work a little harder to make yourself get started this week as well.



23 July – 22 August

Play it safe this week, and keep yourself cozy and warm – you’ll be feeling extra cold. Don’t let bad news make you feel bad about who you are. You do all you can, and you deserve to be happy.



23 August – 23 September

An unexpected visit will have you quite surprised. Allow yourself to process the information shared with you this week, and understand why exactly it’s being shared- it might not be the best time to voice your opinion on the matter.



24 September – 23 October

There is a silver lining to every opportunity. Even if it takes a little longer than you had hoped to achieve your dreams, good things can happen in the waiting time. Focus on the positive of all the work you’re doing, not the negatives.



24 October – 22 November

A big change is coming this week. New interest will make you wonder if you’re pursuing the right goals. Talk it out with people you’re close to, and with those you’re not, to get an unbiased second opinion.



23 November – 21 December

Busy but satisfied, that’s what the week has in store for you. Forgive those who are going to wrong you this week, they don’t mean their harsh words, and aren’t brave enough to ask for forgiveness.



22 December – 20 January

It’s time to apologize to those you’ve wronged. Lots of time may have passed, but it’s the right thing to do. Once you’ve cleared your conscience of it, you’ll be better off for it.



21 January – 19 February

Seeing things in a new light will allow you to let go of those things that you haven’t been able to let go of. Take a deep breath this week, it might be stressful, but make sure your life is full of joy.



February 20 – March 20

Look your best this week, it’ll make it all the more special. Expect happy news, and be happy for all those affects. Things will be going your way this week so make sure to get anything challenging done.