Millikin In the Stars

21 March – 20 April
Well defined goals are the base of a working plan. If you’re not moving, make it clear where you want to be a week from now, or a month or a year. You’re going places, Aries, you just have to decide where.

21 April – 21 May
Rewarding yourself for a job well done is not selfish or wrong. Make sure to pamper yourself and appreciate the congratulations and good words this week, your time and effort have been worth it.

22 May – 21 June
While it’s good to admit to your faults and know when you are beat, there are also situations where you’ll need to dig in your heels and fight tooth and nail. Make sure to pick your battles, but know where to stand Gemini.

22 June – 22 July
Just because it’s not the most efficient way to do it doesn’t mean it’s the wrong way to do it. Don’t let yourself be put down by others telling you about their way of doing things and living life, you are the only one in charge of you.

23 July – 22 August
It will come, so take your time Leo. Stop feeling like everything you’re doing is for naught and find new ways to see the impact you’re making. Don’t be scared to ask others for advice; people like to help.

23 August – 23 September
Are you sure you have what you need? Take some time to reevaluate, make sure that you’re in a position that gives you flexibility, and try new things to stave off the feeling of boredom.

24 September – 23 October
Expecting things to get go as planned is a great plan. Don’t forget to enjoy the moment and focus on the present. Don’t assume something is bad just because something is different from what you thought it should be.

24 October – 22 November
Constant stimulation isn’t necessarily a good thing. Take some time to rest and relax your mind. The solutions will come easier if you take some time off. Don’t be afraid to be by yourself for a bit.

23 November – 21 December
The creativity is flowing, find an outlet! Don’t let these ideas and inspiration go to waste, even if you can’t fully finish a project, give your future self a roadmap to follow.

22 December – 20 January
You’re full of energy, so now is the time to get started. You have to do more than just want to improve yourself, put your time into being a better, less selfish person.

21 January – 19 February
Don’t hold back. If you want to do something just do it! This is a good week for trying new things, so don’t let fear get in your way of new experiences—you’ll only regret not trying.

February 20 – March 20
Adventure brings excitement. When you’re feeling like your life is lacking, find something new to explore. The world is there for your discovery.