Millikin in the Stars

21 March – 20 April
Ready for things to really start moving, Aries? Things might have felt stale and like everything in your life was staying the same and standing still. Get ready for a serious change this week.

21 April – 21 May
The new semester is still all shiny and new. What great things await you this time around, if you can decide what’s really important in your life. Time to let go of old commitments which aren’t helping you and welcome in some new projects.

22 May – 21 June
Spend time with those who are important to you. Welcome in those warm acquaintances with open arms and you’ll soon be overflowing with friendships.

22 June – 22 July
Practice being kind and patient, and others will soon begin to speak more favorably of you. Don’t leap to conclusions this week, but take time in making decisions.

23 July – 22 August
New friends are great, but don’t try to rush those friendships. Making connections and commitments too quickly might lead to an unkind wake-up call when you realize you’re not as compatible as you thought.

23 August – 23 September
An odd invitation is in your future this week, the decision whether or not to accept carries more weight than you might realize. Choose your actions and words deliberately, and be aware that short term bad consequences might lead to long term good ones.

24 September – 23 October
This week will be one to remember. Find happiness in new pursuits and don’t be afraid to feel out of place – that means you’re challenging yourself.

24 October – 22 November
Stop reliving old mistakes. You can’t change them, but you can use that experience to make the future better. Meditate on the things you’ve learned, not the mistakes you’ve made.

23 November – 21 December
Obstacles can be avoided, but you won’t learn much that way. If you’re looking to better yourself, then challenge yourself in new ways. Don’t be afraid of being uncomfortable, but seek out the challenges.

22 December – 20 January
Interesting people come in all shapes and backgrounds. Expand your circle by including people you’re not very familiar with. These new opinions and perspectives will help you widen your world view.

21 January – 19 February
There are a lot of false friends in your life, people who happily tell you lies to keep you happy. If you want to become a better person, you will have to face some uncomfortable truths.

February 20 – March 20
This week will help to provide the energy you need to complete the many tasks ahead. Even if you feel overwhelmed, just know that keeping up a positive mindset and not simply giving up will see everything through.