Millikin in the Stars

21 March – 20 April
The information you need to solve these little mysteries isn’t coming any time soon. However, keep searching for answers, just because the solution won’t come this week doesn’t mean new direction won’t.

21 April – 21 May
Don’t assume you know how someone is feeling. Forgive people when they are stressed and overwhelmed. Don’t try to make things better for others, but come to their aid when they ask for help.

22 May – 21 June
Short-term changes often equal long-term results. Don’t let the feeling that you can’t fix everything stop you from fixing some of the things that you can. You are more capable than you know.

22 June – 22 July
It’s a good thing you’re going to be feeling rather composed this week. Many surprises will be knocking on your door. Keep your head up and remember that for as many negative things that happen this week, the same number of positive will balance it out.

23 July – 22 August
Long hours getting you down? Don’t let the day’s work ruins the night fun. Try to focus on leaving your work at work and not carrying it with you the rest of the day. However, make sure that your level of quality doesn’t go down.

23 August – 23 September
A positive response to a change you thought others would dislike you for will be a wonderful surprise. Don’t be so scared to do your own thing when others are watching, no one is hoping for your to fail.

24 September – 23 October
So many secrets to keep, Libra. Try opening up a little more. There are people who trust you beyond words, show them that you feel the same and share with them the things that have been weighing on your mind.

24 October – 22 November
No pressure. Now is the time to move in your own way and keep your life moving in the direction you want it to go. Don’t let others try to force you down a path that doesn’t make you happy. It’s your life, Scorpio, live it your own way.

23 November – 21 December
If you aren’t satisfied, figure out what you need to change. Moping and just letting yourself be left behind is not going to impress anyone or make anyone want to help you. Take some innovative and the help you wish you had will come.

22 December – 20 January
Fill your life with useful information. Don’t give up on knowledge because you haven’t found a place to put it to use. Keep searching for opportunities and take up the chance to help others when they are in need.

21 January – 19 February
It’s always a good idea to consider alternate roads. You’ll never know if another path would fit better if you never try to explore any other path. Don’t be afraid to test your limits or take on a few more things than you think you can handle – you’ll surprise yourself.

February 20 – March 20
You’re going to be feeling very excited and optimistic this week, and you should be! All kinds of good things are going to be headed your way. Take some chances and risks, things are going to go your way this week.