Millikin in the Stars

21 March – 20 April
Give others a chance to persuade you; interruptions are the enemy. Stay focused on your own work and don’t become an interruption for others.

21 April – 21 May
Others are not as cautious as you, and that’s okay. Don’t spend so much time worrying about the risks that others take and spend more time focusing on the places where a calculated risk makes the most sense.

22 May – 21 June
Carful Gemini, others are beginning to see you as irresponsible. If you want to have a better reputation you’re going to have to bite the bullet and mend some bridges. Don’t think about how unpleasant saying you’re sorry can be, instead think of all the good things forgiveness can bring.

22 June – 22 July
What a great week the universe has in store for you. Your problems will be easily resolved, so don’t stress over them. The things that thought you didn’t understand will become clear, in more areas than one.

23 July – 22 August
You’re not being nearly as subtle as you think you’re being. If the reactions you’re getting aren’t the ones you’re hoping for then it might be time to change your tune. Don’t keep hoping that other people will notice what you want, just tell them.

23 August – 23 September
Try to understand someone else’s perspective; not everyone had the same upbringing as you. If you can understand why others don’t understand your side, you will be better able to explain it. Don’t exclude people simply for thinking differently from you.

24 September – 23 October
It’s okay to have demands of others, but be careful how you phrase it. People don’t mind doing favors for you, but they need to know that you appreciate it. Be generous and kind, and make sure that the “why” is understood.

24 October – 22 November
It’s not easy to let go of the weary and uneasy feelings, but spend some time in a quiet spot, writing out why you feel the way you do and all the solutions you can think. Soon you’ll be feeling better and will be ready to take on the coming challenges.

23 November – 21 December
Everywhere you go people notice you, and that isn’t a bad thing. Don’t worry so much about what they’re thinking and just be glad that you are a person who sticks out—just make sure that you’re sticking out for a good reason, Sagittarius. A bad reputation can ruin a lot of things.

22 December – 20 January
The road is laid with traps. Tread carefully because a wrong word or action will set people off and turn the factions against you. It won’t be easy, but by biding your time and thinking through your words, you can still come out on top.

21 January – 19 February
Don’t be afraid to give up the things you don’t have time to do properly. By continuing to be a part of the groups you’re not dedicated to you are only hurting the other people in them. It’s time to take a step back and look at the impact you’re truly having on the people around you.

February 20 – March 20
Make a choice, would you rather know the facts or not? Once you decide that your life will be easier. Stop trying to straddle the line of knowing some but not wanting to know all.