Facebook Causes Distress

Along with many other social media networks, Facebook is a widely used site that might be causing a lot of psychological distress. Facebook is continuously growing every year, but currently has approximately 1 billion users. About half of Facebook users check their accounts immediately after they wake up. Even though Facebook seems like a great idea in theory, and having over 7 million applications to use on the site, there is not much being said about the way that it can affect a person’s mental state.

A couple of studies conducted recently point to negative impacts that Facebook can have on people that check and use it daily. One of the studies tracked the correlation between the time spent on Facebook and self-esteem. Through this study they found that people who stressed about how they were presenting themselves online connects with low self- confidence. Also, studies show that social media networks with feedback, such as likes or comments, create anxiety amongst the users.

In another study, it was reported that users that initially meet others through the internet have social anxiety about meeting them in person. Social anxiety is said to rise from an unconscious comparison which leads to distress. Another study was reported that there was a correlation between loneliness and time scrolling through Facebook. From this study, they found that people who were depressed turned to Facebook.

A study posted by Science Daily found a connection between interactions with others on Facebook and user self-worth. People who were not very popular on Facebook were found to experience distress psychologically.

From these studies, we should learn to limit our on time on Facebook. The more time scrolling and looking through your newsfeed, the more stress you are putting on yourself. More studies are going to be starting soon because of the necessity of getting these problems solved.