Millikin in the Stars


Aries 21 March – 20 April

Times might be hard and it may feel like the days are dragging on. Hang it there. Don’t give up hope. Keep moving forward! You will not regret this decision. It’s okay to ask for help and show emotion. Now is not the time to be a stone cold immovable rock. Don’t be afraid to let people in, who you trust. You don’t have to carry such a heavy load all by yourself.


Taurus April 21 – 21 May

Take a break. You can’t keep burning the candle at both ends. Don’t be afraid to say no to things. It’s okay to pick and choose what you want to do. Now is not the time to add things to your plate just because. Prioritize what’s important and forget about what’s not important. It’s great strength and courage to save someone from overloading themselves and it’s okay if that someone is yourself.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Concentrate as now is the time to be focused. Don’t be afraid to ask for clarification if you need it. Put your best foot forward and give all you’ve got. Be the best person you can be. Hardwork and determination shall be your guides. You don’t have to fight and scream to be seen. Let your work and actions speak for themselves.


Cancer 22 June – 22 July

Shoo away those dark clouds, now is the time to think positively. So, you might be stuck in a rut. Cheer yourself up, get out there, and start kicking butt. It’s okay to reflect on what you want and how you want to do about accomplishing what you want. Don’t be afraid to take charge and fight for what you deserve.


Leo July 23 – 22 August

Let change be your guide. It’s okay not to do the same thing everyday. Find ways to make it more interesting so you don’t get bored.Now is not the time to play it safe. There are no mistakes, just happy accidents. It’s important you learned from it, not simply that is just happened. If you’re happy with how your life is going, who cares what others think? Live your truth.


Virgo August 23 – 22 September

Everybody needs support in one time and another. It’s okay to ask for it and or be the one supporting others. Now is not the time to overthink it. If something doesn’t feel right, strive to get to the bottom of it before you make any rash decisions. Remember, it’s better to walk before you run and listen before you speak.


Libra 24 September – 23 October

Distractions. Distractions. Distractions. Don’t you just hate them? Now is not the time you let them get you down. You don’t have to engage when someone or something is hellbent on distracting you from your purpose. Take a breath and dust your shoulders off. If they continue to try to distract you, perhaps a change of scenery is in order.


Scorpio 24 October- 22 November

Maybe your self-confidence is lower than normal. That’s okay. Now is not the time to keep wallowing. It doesn’t matter made your confidence declined, it’s all about boosting your confidence. It’s best to stop thinking that way, or you might drive yourself up a wall. Go to your happy place, treat yourself, have a five second dance party or whatever gets you back on track.


Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

There’s no question about it, you’ve been working hard these last few weeks. A deadline may even be approaching. Proceed with caution. Now is not the time to be hasty. Make lists, check them twice. Do not give up hope. All this hard work will be worth it. As Nelson, Mandela once said, “It always seems impossible, until it’s done.”


Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Communication can be the key to success this week. However, don’t forget about clarity as it’s just as essential. Now is the time to strive for clarity. If you don’t get it, don’t be afraid to read between the lines. Now is not the time to miss something important. However, with sobering Saturn involved in the mix, you could find that understanding is coming your way, especially once you ask the right questions.


Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

There are plenty of opportunities out there, and you’re tempted to seize every one of them. Now, how does one make the best of all those opportunities? Don’t be afraid to pick and choose the ones that seem interesting to you. Who cares if others wouldn’t seize those same ones. It’s your life not theirs. Adventure is out there. Enjoy the journey!


Pisces February 20 – 20 March

There’s going to be so much to get done today that you might feel a little daunted about getting started. That’s okay. Take it one step at a time. Don’t put it all on your plate if you know you can’t handle it all right now.    Take a break. Breathe deeply until the stress lessens. Now is the time to concentrate on finishing only one or two tasks. Remember, too much stress can take its toll on your health.