Meet SRA, Cody Gray

Resident Assistants play a huge part in the development of freshman. It is a role that requires a very involved and hands-on experience in order for success. Junior Cody Gray is in his second year of the position, except now things are a little bit different.

Gray, along with senior Jacob Livingston are the first ever Senior Resident Assistants, or SRAs. This position takes on a greater responsibility. Simply put, an SRA acts as the RA for RA’s. The position’s main responsibility is to be the link between the RA staff and the residential coordinators.There are no days off when accepting a position that is this imperative to the function of the school. That is what makes Gray being a nursing major all the more impressive. It is a demanding area of study, and it too takes up a large chunk of time.

It is easy for things to slip through the cracks when multiple time commitments meet in the middle leaving no personal time; however, Gray deals with it well. He acts as a mentor for other RA’s, which comes in handy. There is only one returning member of the Traditional RA staff, which oversees Aston Hall and Blackburn Hall.

New faces mean inexperience, and while it is not an easy road, Gray tries to be there for the staff as much as he can. As the weeks pass, the staff may become less dependent and inquisitive, but until then, Gray sits only one text away. “Cody is very easygoing and I think that’s why I respect him so much,” sophomore resident assistant Bailey Hope said. “I feel he has a trusting personality, and I can depend on him in times of doubt and frustration.”

One of the first questions that anyone who takes the job of RA gets is, why did you take the job? It is one that is notorious for a lot of work, and a fair amount stress. Needless to say, the job is not fit for everyone.

“My RA my freshman year had told me from the very first day that she thought I would be a great RA,” said Gray. “She told me I was compassionate enough, but that I also had the grit to withstand the hard aspects of the position.”

Compassion and grit are only a couple of the necessary attributes to succeed in the job. Even though there is no cookie-cutter version of the perfect RA or SRA, there are many different traits that would lead to success in the position.

During his time at Millikin University, Gray decided to join Alpha Tau Omega. Through this brotherhood, he has been able to gain experience in many different leadership roles. Between all these opportunities from ATO and through his time as an RA, he has been able to become a more confident leader whenever he is called upon.

At the end of the day, it is all about helping first-year students. However, if there is a warm and fuzzy feeling when all is said and done it is just bonus. That happened for Gray after his first year being in the position. While checking out his last residents of the year, they presented him with a card. It was signed by everyone who lived on the floor that year. Though a small gesture in stature, it was a grand gesture in merit. The card is something that hit right at home. “It was one of those moments that reminded me, after a difficult year both academically and personally, that I was doing the right things and leaving the impact I was hoping to have left,” Gray said.