In the heart of the Midwest amidst the peaceful landscapes of Illinois, Peyten Daniels, a sophomore at Millikin University, is carving her path in the world of cinema. Through her latest venture, a documentary film titled “Our War Cry for Christ,” Daniels isn’t just crafting art; she’s weaving a narrative of faith, resilience and self-discovery.
Daniels shared the captivating story behind her documentary and the journey that brought her to this pivotal moment in her career.
“My faith brought me here; without it, I wouldn’t know where I’d be,” Daniels said.
Daniels’ path took an unexpected turn to Millikin University, despite it not being her initial choice. She attributes her arrival at Millikin to divine guidance.
“God just kind of led me here,” she said.
A native of Decatur, Daniels draws strength from her faith, finding solace in Proverbs 3:5-6, a verse that has illuminated her path since childhood. This unwavering faith propelled her into the realm of filmmaking.
“Our War Cry for Christ” stands as a testament to Daniels’ growth both artistically and personally. What began as a class project evolved into a profound journey as Daniels pursued her vision. The documentary chronicles the hurdles and triumphs that marked her path. Daniels deliberately chose to deviate from conventional filmmaking genres in favor of content aligns with her core beliefs.
Principal editor Jacob Habel and lead graphic designer Cole Phillips played a big part in the collaborative process throughout production. Habel first struggled to grasp Daniels’ vision but ultimately achieved clarity and cohesion. Phillips also faced creative hurdles when incorporating faith-based themes into promotional materials. This unwavering support was crucial for Daniels, whose professors and peers played a central role in bringing her vision to life.
Daniels’ film demonstrates the power of faith and resilience. “Our War Cry for Christ” serves as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring filmmakers and believers alike, showcasing the transformative power of storytelling. Her film is the culmination of tireless effort and a testament to storytelling’s ability to touch hearts and change lives.
“Our War Cry for Christ” will premiere on May 4th at AMC CLASSIC Decatur 10, located on 2360 Mount Zion Rd. Tickets are available here, via Daniels’ Instagram @peyten.daniels. The suggested ticket price is $5, but any donation is accepted.
Support Daniels’ work by attending the premiere and sharing the experience on social media. You can also contribute to the documentary’s success by spreading the word and engaging with promotional materials on Daniels’ Instagram and Ricochet Entertainment’s platforms. Stay tuned to her Instagram for updates and behind-the-scenes insights.
“Our War Cry for Christ” is more than just a film; it’s a testament to Daniels’ indomitable spirit and to all who dare to dream, create, and inspire. And as the lights dim and the screen comes to life, one thing becomes clear: the journey is just beginning.