Failing through Pinterest

Failing through Pinterest

Pinterest, the site that women everywhere love. Between pinning wedding themes, recipes you’ll never make, and outfits you’ll try to recreate, it creates passion and motivation, but not always success.

Pinterest Fail #1

You’ve seen those beautiful pieces of crayon art, where a person melts a pack of crayons down a canvas and the result is a beautiful combination of dripping colors. Sometimes the piece even includes a figure under an umbrella, maybe even a cheesy, inspiring quote.

Other times, it’s just a mess of crayons taped to a piece of paper. Maybe you can give it to someone you hate.


Pinterest fail #2

Well, at least you’ve got décor right? Anyone can repaint a plastic bottle, or papier Mache over a glass jar. Or maybe not. Some people are really good at math and science, and some people are really good at art. It’s okay if Pinterest projects aren’t your cup of tea. Just keep trying, maybe one day you’ll make a wreath you can be proud of.


Now for all the times you’ve failed at re-painting a dresser, or making that shirt into a dress, just remember that you’re not alone. Pinterest is often where good intentions go to die, but don’t let yourself give up, and don’t be disheartened when it doesn’t come out like the picture- most things in life won’t, and even if those penguin cupcakes look like monsters begging for death, they are still delicious