Video Game Review: Until Dawn

Video Game Review: Until Dawn

It has been a long time since there’s been a game like this. This game is truly a rollercoaster of an experience from start until finish. The gameplay in Until Dawn is similar to that of Heavy Rain. This horror thriller game has revolutionized the genre.

It begins like any horror story with a bunch of teenagers alone in a ski lodge on a mountain. The friends decide to play a prank on one of the twin sisters, Hannah, whose parents own the lodge. When she reacts negatively, she runs out into a blizzard and her twin, Beth, goes after her to try to bring her back. A creature chases the two of them to the edge of a cliff. In trying to get away, they fall off the cliff and are never heard from again.

Exactly one year from the incident, the twins’ brother, Josh, decides they should have a reunion to celebrate the lives of his sisters rather than mourn their loss. When the friends all get there, they discover there is no power in the lodge but they must make do. Of course, this is all happening unsupervised and at night. Otherwise, it would not be a horror game.

After a fight between two of the couples, Mike and Jessica decide to go off to the cabin, which is a mile off for some adult recreational fun, while Matt and Emily go in search for her luggage. When Matt and Jessica finally get to the cabin, a monster kidnaps Jessica. This is where the horror begins.

While Mike is off in the mountains dealing with the monster, Ashley, Chris, Sam and Josh are left in the lodge to deal with this jigsaw like psychopath. I don’t want to go too much more into the plot because I don’t want to give away the ending.

This game focuses on the butterfly effect. Every single choice you make can affect what will happen in the end. The choice between running and hiding can be the difference between life and death. Everything in this game relies the choices you make. In addition to this, there are many quick time events where missing a que means dying. Since this game is on the PS4 there is also a cool yet terrifying feature of movement. Just hiding isn’t enough instead when hiding you also have to keep the controller absolutely still for if you move you’ll be seen.

Probably the coolest thing about this game, however, is the characters. Actors voice all of the characters. Some are even well known actors such as Hayden Panettiere and Rami Malek. The thing that sets them apart is that all of the characters look like the actors who voice them. This makes the game seem more realistic. They did motion capture with the actors so that all of the gameplay would look as realistic as possible. I would definitely recommend this game to anyone who wants to have a fun and scary night.