White Privilege the Veil of Ignorance

White privilege has been a veil of ignorance for the unconscious majority to hide behind since the birth of our nation. White privilege can shield white individuals from realities besides their own. Shielding them from realities that show the true oppression of the minorities within our nation. White privilege gives whites the opportunity not to engage in conversations about racial issues.

White privilege is when white individuals become offended by a claim that black lives matter. White privilege makes white individuals believe they matter in every context. White privilege is when whites are offended about the way oppressed people protest. White privilege has deemed Greek’s and Roman’s true Philosophers, but their knowledge and ideas are bits and pieces of the African Egyptian Mystery school teachings. (Reference Stolen Legacy- The Egyptian Origins of Western Philosophy by George G. M. James about African philosophy).

White privilege is what may make you uncomfortable to read my writing, and want to put my piece down. Technology, along with social media, allowed for content to be viewed worldwide, striking the match that lit the so needed conversations on race.

Smart phones in particular, have given a third eye view of the injustice that many minorities have experienced since the birth of our nation. Filming these injustices is building a reputable portfolio that makes it hard for the ones who believe we live in a fair and just nation. Although the overwhelming number of documented racial injustices should be enough proof, we still must deal with arguments about those videos. Our majority lives by the creed that seeing is believing.

This creed has come with a price. The price of this creed is black lives.

Black people have been considered a commodity since the birth of this nation. Our nation is desensitized to the killing of black men. During times of Jim Crow in the South many lynching of black Americans were public, parents were encouraged to bring their children. These lynchings were designed to send messages to children that black lives do not matter, that blacks are different than white, the lie that blacks are inferior to whites. These children go on to be parents who if still racially ignorant, will preach hate to their children.

Racial and cultural ignorance led to a sharp separation of races in America. This separation led to the veil of white privilege that shields many white Americans from discovering others realities. Tensions flare because the bliss of ignorance and white privilege is being challenged by video proof of injustice and oppression of the black community in America by technology. Social media is thrusting the injustice into the everyday lives of white Americans and the world. As Americans, this is a time when we all need to stick together and embrace our differences, to produce for the good of all.

I hate that it takes black men being shot and killed on camera by uniformed police officers to spark conversation among the masses. Laquan McDonald was shot and killed in the middle of an intersection in Chicago and Philando Castile was shot and killed sitting in a car when reaching for his wallet. Castile was shot and killed in front of his girlfriend and her four-year-old daughter.

This past summer was overwhelming with filmed accounts of police murdering innocent black men. I am concerned by the fact that no official of Millikin University addressed these horrific cases over the summer in a campus email.