Straight from Strater: Halloween

Straight from Strater: Halloween

For many of us, Halloween is one of the least stressful holidays, not to mention it entails a whole night of mischief by dressing up in amusing or scary costumes and being with friends, it can be seen as one of the most fun filled nights of the year. Although Halloween is seen as a holiday dedicated to only young children, it’s truly a holiday for all ages.

Halloween is a time for people to cut loose, scare people and be funny, no matter what age group you are in. Although Halloween is generally seen as a holiday dedicated to young children, many young adults or people in their early twenties still celebrate Halloween.

For young adults, creating costumes, whether they be scary, funny or anywhere in between, takes a great deal of care and consideration, as young adults who decided to partake in the festivities generally go all out when creating costumes.

In general, many young adults decide to dress up in some sort of humorous costume, ranging from well-known television and film characters to completely bizarre and out there costumes. Some of the costumes that have caught my attention are two students who went as Wayne and Garth for the Saturday Night Live skit, and the accompanying movie, “Wayne’s World,” Dwight Schrute for the American version of the popular workplace sitcom “The Office” and someone who had just turned a large cardboard box into a fake washing machine, which was worn around his stomach for the night.

Creating these costumes takes time and heavy consideration. Even at the beginning of the summer, months before the holiday actually occurs, people still consider what they want to be for Halloween. Even in my experience, when asking friends what they were considering to be for Halloween, many of my friends had their ideas in mind about what they wanted to go as for the Holiday, occurring at times that were extremely far away from the holiday. Not only is Halloween a time where young adults dress up in sometimes absurd costumes, the real treat about Halloween for young adults is that it’s a time to feel younger.

Halloween as a child is an exceptionally fun time. Because the holiday is currently designated for young children, as a time to go out safely around a town to get candy, it can almost seem magical to think back to the times walking around in the dusk light, enjoying the costumes and decorations that others have put up while eagerly walking to the next house in order to pick up candy. However, as we get older this excitement is taken away from us.

Because Halloween is one of the only holidays designated for young children to dress up and have a fun time, it can be pretty depressing growing up and realizing that, the older you get, the less you are socially able to engage in the holiday. I think that many people, especially young adults, see this, so, in turn, it makes young adults want to celebrate the holiday even more. Because we are still college kids, celebrating Halloween should still be done. Being a student requires time, dedication and responsibility, which can all tie us down at times, so a night where we can dress and act as if we are young children again can be exceptionally fun.

Although the idea of celebrating Halloween for some can seem very juvenile, it’s important to remember that celebrating the holiday also allows us to regress back to young children, if only for a night.