Politics Today

1 in 4 college women become victims of sexual assault on their campuses.

Recently the Governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker, proposed budget cuts that would make it so universities do not have to report sexual assaults to the Department of Justice. This is such a confusing notion. A person in power is saying he doesn’t want a certain crime reported because he believes it isn’t worth the time or hassle.

This isn’t the first time there has been an issue like this. Last year, Columbia University faced uproar when an art student performed a live art piece where she carried her dorm mattress everywhere until her rapist was punished for his actions. The university and the police department told her to give it up and that she was probably leading the guy on.

I thought raping someone was a crime punishable by law?

While talking about rape culture is a whole other article, there can be something said about how we treat it. For being an unfortunately common crime, it is rarely brought to courts. Even when it is, they are rarely sentenced to time in prison or even found guilty.

A few years ago, there was one case where a group of high school football players raped a girl at a party. This story soon became mainstream news. When it was being covered news reporters kept saying how this would ruin the young men’s careers, and blaming the victim for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. If this were a robbery case, no one would be crying over how it would ruin the perpetrator’s future. These are both crimes, but there is one in which we treat the criminal like the victim. This is crazy.

The fact that there is a Governor trying to make it so it isn’t required for these heinous crimes to be reported is absolutely ridiculous. This is a step backwards in the little progress that has been made in the feminist movement.

If we can’t count on our politicians to help enforce policies then why do we even have them in the first place?