Online Death

If there is one thing we love, it is technology. It is filling up every part of our lives and consuming our thumbs and time. In a world where smart phones, laptops, tablets, and hundreds of other devices can put us online in an instant, we are opened up to the whole wide world.

What’s shocking is that so many of us don’t fully understand the power of the Internet. Those of us who are much less tech savvy and lack the same computer smarts as our peers, don’t quite grasp the depth of the world wide web. There’s significance behind that term that we often don’t realize. Just because you sit in your room on your laptop or on your phone on the toilet, it doesn’t mean you aren’t alone. We often times forget the danger that lurks out there as others much more computer savvy seek to use the internet for more harmful purposes than Facebook and CandyCrush apps.

In a report released by The Daily Mail UK, experts of the Internet world fear that the first online murder could occur by the end of the year. The report states criminals are currently in the works of perfecting a technology that could be used to kill those via the Internet.

Now this isn’t some joke about a Facebook post that kills you in three days if you don’t repost. It isn’t those typical chainmail messages from seventh grade, “send this and you will get kissed by your crush” rubbish.

No, this fear is a growing concern that has sprung forth from technology being connected together through the World Wide Web. The concern is that things such as safety equipment and hospital technology can be tampered with through the Internet and ultimately result in death.

Because these technologies are connected through the Internet and criminals are working to break through to these devices to wreak a new level of terror on innocent victims, computer experts are now saying that the impenetrable technology needs to be safeguarded against the rise of technology and Internet influence.

In a world where all of our technology is crossing itself, it’s a scary thought that you may no longer be safe in a setting such as a hospital, or that if your job works with heavy machinery controlled through the internet, that these devices can be tampered with by individuals simply seeking to wreak havoc and cause harm to innocent people trying to go about their lives.

Hackers have begun to show the government how easily there systems can be hacked into and disrupted and how easily simpler technology can be easily broken into and made to do whatever the hacker wants.

As our desire for technology increases, we continuously open ourselves up to danger. If the criminals are keeping up the same breakthrough speed as the experts then it is only a matter of time before we start to witness much more major breaches of security. We have to ask ourselves, what price are we willing to pay for our technology? Are we willing to have our personal information stolen and our lives compromised by these threats? Action needs to be taken before the action that is taken isn’t the kind of action we wanted.