Tranform MU

Unless you have been thoroughly tucked away underneath your rock, then you know good and well what the university has planned for itself in the upcoming years. Along with announcement of their revised goals for Transform MU, we have already seen some of these goals come to fruition.

This season, the Frank M. Lindsay field has seen major renovations as one of the goals in the new campaign to keep Millikin cutting-edge and top-choice for the future students of the university. Students are already having mixed feelings about the changes. Among the angst of the housing situation, some students are asking themselves, ‘Where is my building?’

In the revised plans for the school, it was revealed that the department of theatre and dance, while still actively pursuing their goals for a newly updated facility, may not see it for quite some time. The building, which many students have had their hearts set on, seems to be feeling just as distant as ever. It has even left some to ask why the football field came before the building. In many ways, it’s easy to see why the question arises. Most of us at Millikin have heard about this building, or at least pondered for a moment at the board by Mills Hall long enough to realize it won’t be built for us; and this sign has been at Millikin longer than I have. It’s easy to see why the students keep asking about their building. They have heard about this amazing new building since they arrived at Millikin and they are tired of having to compete for limited rehearsal space.

In smaller circles, there seems be some discontent on why the theatre building that they have heard so much about still hasn’t been built. One thing students need to keep in mind is dollar signs. There are high hopes and expectations of what this new facility will be for the students, and it comes down to the funds. The building that the university and the department hope to provide for Millikin’s respected department isn’t cheap, and will cost more money than the field renovations did. The building that has been conceived before my time at Millikin seeks to provide their students with every opportunity possible. Until then, the students will just have to continue to flourish as they always have. They aren’t the only ones without a dedicated building to serve their needs.

As the funds for the building continue to be raised, it’s also important to respect the new field and what it means for the athletic department. This new field is long overdue, and can serve students outside the department. The field could cause a boost in enrollment, which serves to benefit current students, and overall provides a more respectable and collegiate feel around our sport teams. Students of the theater department came to Millikin for the good education they receive from our faculty, but they are ready to have a building that matches.