First World Problems: Netflix

Oy! Yes, Netflix, I am still watching. Thank you for interrupting my binge with your useless questions and countless problems. I’ve got homework to avoid, meetings to skip, dinner to eat and I want to do them all with you. Please, just work. That’s all I need. That’s all I want.

Like most college kids, I am in a committed relationship with Netflix. We spend most of my free time together, just lounging in the bed spending quality time, bonding over my favorite shows. Occasionally, she makes a suggestion and I watch it, sometimes it’s bad, sometimes it’s good. She keeps all of my favorites in a neat row, and she saves my place if I have to leave or my laptop dies.

It’s been a great relationship, but I have just a few problems. First, as I have already mentioned, she always asks me if I am still watching. Yes. The answer is always yes. If I didn’t want to watch, I would have shut the window already. Don’t ask me questions you already know the answer to! I am not leaving. There is no need to be so needy. I’m not going anywhere yet. Please, just keep the shows streaming while the internet connection is good. Answering your questions just means I have to move from wherever I am.

Second issue, she sometimes ignores me. I click on my favorite show, and then nothing. She just gives me the wheel of doom. Around and around the red ring goes and nothing happens. I understand that my internet connection isn’t the best right now, but it’s the best I can do. She just doesn’t understand, and sometimes we don’t make the connection.

The worst problem, sometimes she just takes and takes from me. I scroll through her long list of movies, documentaries and TV shows and add them to my list, only to find that they are gone when I go to watch them. She’s takes back everything she gives me. I spend hours and hours a week with her, laughing, crying and listening, and she repays me by taking down my favorites and then replacing them with sub-par shows.

I can’t walk away. I am in too deep. Despite all of her flaws, her subscription fee, the countless number of hours I have put into the relationship, knowing I should stop, I just can’t. I am an addict, I know this. I am working on becoming my own independent person, but I’m just not ready yet. So, I keep just coming back for more.

I should be thankful, I guess. Not everyone has the privilege of being able to get lost in new shows and waste hours of their life away, if you consider that lucky. I should be more thankful that I can take this opportunity, and not complain so much when she doesn’t work the way I want her to. She does help me pass a lot of time.