Apple’s security breach

Apple users beware! Last week a metaphorical bomb was dropped when Apple released a statement concerning a recent security breach for all their products running iOS 7 and OS X. Since Apple products aren’t supposed to have that happen to them, this came as a surprise. Up until this point, they were known as the products that can’t be hacked and are nearly impossible to get viruses.

This problem was first spotted in the iPhones that run with the newest update of iOS 7. Then it was discovered in both laptops and desktop computers that run the OS X update.

Many of you may be wondering what exactly is going on with your favorite gadget. In the statement Apple released, it said there are “two critical weak points for which no patch exists.” If the devices’ owner opens a manipulated website or a PDF file it could allow any hacker to spy and get ahold of the owner’s passwords, daily planner, personal photos, text messages, emails and here’s the big shocker– they could even listen in on your phone calls. Yes, phone calls.

Personally, I am a huge fan of anything Apple puts out. I saved up and paid for my own Macbook and my first phone was an iPhone. I am thoroughly in love with both products. I don’t know if it’s the aesthetics or just how easy they are to use. Taking that into account, I am shocked that this could happen. I, and many other people on campus and the rest of the world, do almost everything on our phones or computers. Our society currently lives on our personal devices. My shock doesn’t come from thinking that Apple products are untouchable; it comes from more of a state of mind where I didn’t think it would happen to me. We all see stories of people’s bank accounts getting hacked, or people getting into car accidents, but we never expect things like that to happen to us.

Shock is not anything close to what the rest of the world may be feeling about this breach. I’ve seen many articles and tweets surrounding this topic, and all I see is anger at the Apple Corporation, almost like there was a huge conspiracy behind the hack. Researchers seem to be fuming that Apple let this happen and are shaking their heads in shame at the company and the common buyers of Apple are throwing fits.

This was bound to happen eventually, considering every type of computer gets viruses or hacked, and our phones are now tied to the Internet.

A Millikin student, Mark Gehlbach said, “We’ve always taken for granted that our phones are safe. We never take the same precaution that we do with computers, it was only a matter of time before our phones, and Apple for that matter, got hacked as well.”

Am I upset that someone could be hacking my information? Yes, of course. This hack is something that happens, and was certainly bound to happen.

Do I blame Apple for the breach? No, could they have researched and worked harder on their operating systems? Well of course, but no one expects this to happen and they didn’t take it into account. So everyone just calm down and stop being so angry.

Now, before you start switching all your Apple products do take into mind that just days after the notification of hacking was released the company also released and update to hopefully fix the holes in the old operating system bringing things back to normal. So, once you can please do update to get your operating system fixed. Apple also suggests to take precaution when opening websites and certain PDFs to remain safe until everything settles down.