5 Ways for Athletes to Stay Warm In Winter

  1. Avoid wearing cotton. Cotton against your skin. Through convection, cold air and moisture work together to replace the heat that your body generates with cold air. Use polypropylene or another synthetic material that is advertised to wick away moisture from your skin.
  2. Remember to layer up! Start with soft layers against your skin and finish with a nylon material that will challenge the wind and rain, such as Gore-Tex. The idea is that as the temperature changes, you can add or remove clothing that will keep you just warm enough.
  3. Eat for the trip. Your body will generate heat as it burns the fuel you have eaten. Eat foods that are high in fat content and calories. Remember that a calorie is actually a unit that measures heat! Warm foods and hot drinks will really warm the soul on a cold day.
  4. Drink liquids! When it is below freezing the air will draw moisture out of you. If you are dehydrated it is harder for your body to keep you warm.
  5. Wear a hat and gloves. If your feet are cold, put a hat on. Your body will close off circulation to your fingers and feet if your head get cold. Your head will not feel cold but your feet will. By putting on a hat, you will warm up your head and the circulation will return to your cold feet to warm them up.

Remember these tips next time you go outside to play sports, walk to class, or just go outside to play in the snow!