Three directors in two years. What will change and what will remain the same in the Writing Center?
What is the Writing Center?
The Writing Center is a resource on campus that offers students help on projects that require writing. There are tutors to provide help to students, and they offer appointments and walk-ins. They are available to assist during any stage of a project or essay. They also have a free library accessible to all students and faculty. The Writing Center is located in Shilling Hall, Room 211.
Danielle Patricio was the Writing Center director until she left mid-semester Spring 2024, and her position was temporarily replaced by Michael O’Conner.
As of Fall Semester 2024, Oluwayinka Arawomo is the Writing Center director.
Arawomo is an Assistant Professor of English at Millikin and was interested in the opportunity of being the new director due to the collaborative nature and the difference from traditional writing classes.
Arawomo has many hopes for the future of the Writing Center while still appreciating the various aspects that the past directors improved upon. One of her main goals is to have engagement throughout the Millikin community and to cater to students and faculty.
The whole point of the Writing Center is to help students with their writing and to ensure that they understand they have resources out there to help them if they’re struggling.
“From August 13 to November 15, as I speak, we’ve reached out to 270 students through outreach,” Arawomo said.
This is a main focus of Arawomo’s, and she hopes to continue student outreach during her time as Writing Center director. More than that, she aspires for more student presence in the Writing Center, as not only a tutoring center but also a study space.
Arawomo plans to continue organizing student outreach events to further the influence of the Writing Center.
“So basically just having meaningful and impactful, well-attended events, workshops, retreats, you know that helps us improve our writing now; that’s my biggest goal, my dream for the Writing Center,” Arawomo said.
Grace Talbert has been a tutor at the Writing Center since the spring semester of 2022. Due to this, she has noticed the changes that the different directors have enforced.
Danielle Patricio focused on expanding the audience as well as creating the free library that is still in the Writing Center today.
“For Dr. Patricio, she wanted to open up a lot more of the space too,” Talbert said. “If you wanted to just study, you could be in there and study and work on homework without having to work with a tutor, which is something that I did like a lot.”
Patricio brought a lot more interaction and marketing to the Writing Center, which opened up a lot of opportunities. Dr. O’Conner took over Patricio’s spot, in which he decreased the outreach some but mainly focused on tutoring.
The Writing Retreat
The Writing Retreat is a monthly event hosted by the Writing Center’s tutors and the director. It takes place on the first Friday of every month.
It is a designated time where students can have study sessions and support from tutors to work on their assignments.
“This is another spot where, if you’re tired of the UC or the UC just doesn’t work because it’s noisier, this is another space that you can go to,” Talbert said.
This is a great opportunity for students to have a change of scenery and to keep up with their workload, especially considering how close finals are to the next retreat.

Arawomo aims to see better attendance at the next Writing Retreat.
“You know, my future goal for the Writing Center is to really see that community of writers, you know, come together,” Arawomo said. “Writing can be hard, but it doesn’t have to be a lonely journey.”
The retreat is a great time for productivity and connection and to get introduced to the Writing Center. The next Writing Retreat is December 6th from 2- 4pm at the Writing Center in Shilling Hall.
Arawomo and Talbert strongly encourage students to attend the next Writing Retreat and to visit the Writing Center.