Despite being over five years late to the party, The Decaturian has joined TikTok and ventured into video journalism by interviewing members of the Millikin community across campus in various environments from events open to the public to typical Tuesdays in Shilling Hall.
Junior Beth Portman who is in charge of running the TikTok account has conducted two interviews so far. The first interview asked students and faculty for their favorite conspiracy theories. There were several conspiracies mentioned multiple times including that birds were sent by the government to spy on us, JFK’s assassination, and the moon landing was faked. These are all conspiracies that are famous in pop culture, but some lesser known conspiracy theories were also brought up including how Chuck E. Cheese continuously decreases the size of their pizza slices to re-serve pies they do not finish.
The second interview took place directly after “A Conversation with Congressman Adam Kinzinger.” Portman asked attendees how they thought the speaker did and what they thought of the conversation. Given Kinzinger’s history as a former Republican Representative who spoke at the most recent Democratic National Convention, people across all political spectrums came together to watch this event and express their opinions thereafter to The Decaturian.
The purpose of The Decaturian’s TikTok is to promote the views and values of all associated with Millikin in an easily accessible way that is more appealing to a younger generation than reading a newspaper, whether digital or physically published. Keeping up with technology as it evolves is more crucial now than ever when it comes to earning and sustaining an audience.
To stay up-to-date with the most recent hot topics on Millikin’s campus, follow The Decaturian on TikTok at @the.decaturian.