IFC and PHC Recruitment
Greek informal recruitment kicked off on Monday, Sept. 9th. Alpha Tau Omega, Delta Sigma Phi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and Tau Kappa Epsilon are the Interfraternity Council (IFC) organizations and Alpha Chi Omega and Pi Beta Phi are the Panhellenic Council (PHC) organizations that went through informal recruitment.
According to Millikin’s website, “These organizations provide housing and support for approximately 25% of the Millikin student body.”
You cannot go long on Millikin’s campus without hearing the words “Go Greek.” Greek life is a huge part of campus life at MU.
There are two parts in Millikin’s IFC and PHC Greek recruitment. Informal recruitment takes place in the fall, while formal recruitment takes place in the spring. This differs from many schools. Most colleges have formal recruitment early in the fall semester.
Freshman students at Millikin do not go through informal recruitment during their first semester.
“All of our Greek Organizations pride themselves on being ‘student first’ organizations,” Christian Jackson, president of the Interfraternity Council, said. “We want to make sure students have their grades in order and are in the right mindset before making such a big decision like going Greek.”
While freshman cannot go through informal recruitment, all other students (who have at least 12 credit hours) are encouraged to attend and learn more about the fraternities and sororities on campus.
The last PHC sorority on campus, Delta Delta Delta, was unable to go through informal recruitment because they already have their maximum number of members. They will be participating in formal recruitment along with the other organizations in the spring.
Sororities and fraternities hosted events and activities for recruitment throughout the week of Sept. 9th. These activities ranged from open houses to movie nights to bonfires. Students interested in Greek life were able to come and mingle with active members in the organizations.
“This year, we had our favorite Netflix shows playing, made friendship bracelets, played games, and had delicious food all while getting to talk about our chapter and the things we are passionate about,” Linnea Nordstrom, a member of Pi Beta Phi sorority, said. “They get a chance to experience part of a day in the life of a Greek organization.”
Informal recruitment is typically more relaxed than formal recruitment. This is because fewer students go through informal recruitment. This allows one-on-one time between potential members and active members of the Greek organizations.
“It’s an environment where we can be our most authentic selves and see our guests’ most authentic selves,” Nordstrom said.
At the end of the week, IFC had “the plunge” and PHC had “the dive.” These events are where all the sororities and fraternities meet, and new members are able to “run home” to their chosen organization.
“This is often the moment where the active members find out who their new members will be,” Jackson said.
Freshman and those who still want to join Greek life and did not go through informal recruitment will get their chance later this school year. Formal recruitment begins next semester in the spring.
PHC will host Progressive Dinner on Tuesday, Nov. 19th from 6-9 pm. It is open to any Millikin students interested in joining a Panhellenic Council sorority through formal recruitment this spring.
“This is a great opportunity to get a feel for how formal recruitment at Millikin is like, get to know the women of each PHC sorority better, and learn what each organization’s passions, values, and experiences are,” Mackenzie Vinson, president of Delta Delta Delta sorority, said.
Potential members can tour all three houses, eat free food, and get a taste of Greek life. Students can decide whether they are interested in Greek life and want to go through formal recruitment.
IFC does not have a Progressive dinner, but any student interested in an Interfraternity Council organization can sign up for formal recruitment next semester.

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