LGBTQ Corner

AIDS Awareness Day

On Sept. 27 gay men all over the country gathered to remember those who have suffered and died at the hands of HIV and AIDS. This has been plaguing the LGBTQ male community for the past 34 years. Even though cures are finally being discovered for the long-time deadly illness, the battle is far from over. A man had recently bought the license to an inexpensive cure for AIDS and raised the price from 14 dollars to upwards of 500 dollars. It’s acts like this that keep the members of the LGBTQ community fighting.

Those who protest and fight for this cause are hoping to bring light to the fact that even though marriage equality has been achieved the battle isn’t over. They are saying that there are bigger issues at hand that have gay and bisexual men’s lives in the balance. They hope that by constantly standing up for this cause that the cure might become readily available at a realistic price. Then and only then will they be able to say that they have accomplished their goal.

Gay Man Nominated to be Army Secretary

President Obama has recently nominated Eric Fanning to be appointed as the new Army Secretary. Fanning is no stranger to war politics as he has 25 years of experience working in Congress and in the Pentagon. If Fanning receives this position he will be the first openly gay man in history to hold this position.

One of the policies he supports strongly is allowing the transgendered population to be able to serve openly in the military. This is one of the reasons Obama wanted him in this office. Fanning will add a refreshing view of the military that is desperately needed at this current moment.

According to those at the Pentagon Fanning is coming into office at a critical time in the military. This is due mainly to the fact that their budget is spread so thin because of the wars happening in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Army is also desperate to create new weaponry since they have not worked on any major projects since 2000.

The only thing needed now for Fanning to officially accept the position is for the Senate Armed Services Committee, headed by John McCain, to approve the assignment.

Ellen DeGeneres and Gap Challenge Gender Stereotypes

Ellen DeGeneres is working with the clothing company Gap to launch a line of clothes for girls that challenges gender stereotypes. Most clothing stores for children have the girls section saturated with pink and purple flowers and butterflies. There normally isn’t much room for expression outside of the gendered norms.

This clothing line will consist of gender neutral colors of beige, grey, brown and green. The special thing about this line, titled GapKids x ED, is that Gap has guaranteed that 250,000 dollars of the sales will go to the company Girls Inc. This company was made to give girls products that stimulate the mathematical and experimental part of their imagination.