LGBTQ Corner


Judge Wishes to follow Kim Davis

The whole LGBTQ community has been a twitter with the subject of Kim Davis ever since she hit the news. Along with her being the center of attention in the LGBTQ community, she has also inspired others to follow her example. Judge Nick Williams from Alabama has decided that he wants to be the next Davis.

However, Williams is going about this in a much different way. While Davis simply went with her beliefs and then had to deal with the full extent of the law, Williams is going through official channels to receive the ability to not sight marriage licenses of people who are the same gender.

Williams went to the Alabama state Supreme Court to petition to have the ability to choose which marriage licenses he wants to sign. If they choose to approve this they will be overriding the Supreme Court’s rulings. It is very unlikely that they will approve his petition because of this. Hopefully all of this dodging of responsibilities will stop with time and as Davis must do her job.

Specialty Rainbow Doritos for LGBT Youth

The ever-popular corn chip brand has collaborated with “It Gets Better” to try and bring more attention to the youth organization. Doritos has started a campaign where if you donate $10 or more to the “It Gets Better” campaign they will send you a special edition bag of rainbow Doritos.

Their tagline for this campaign is “There is nothing bolder than being yourself.” They wanted to do this with “It Gets Better” to help the youth who need support most. They also wanted to show that they are a company who believes in equality for all and in basic human rights.

This bag of chips will not be sold in stores so that they can ensure that “It Gets Better” will get the most donations possible. These chips come in cool ranch and you can receive more than one bag if you make multiple donations to the cause.

LUSH Promotes that #GayIsOk

The bath and body care products company LUSH has always been known for being a humanitarian organization while providing natural products produced by workers paid at livable wages. They have been known to fundraise for many different causes over the years. During Pride month, LUSH sold gold glitter soap bars with the phrase #GayIsOk on them. All of the proceeds from these bars would go to multiple different LGBTQ youth awareness organizations. Over the course of that month, they sold around 100,000 bars which means that they raised over $420,000 for these organizations.

Because they want to spread the love, LUSH is calling to all LGBTQ youth organizations to send in applications to receive up to $15,000 of the money. They wish to spread the money to as many organizations as they can so that they can affect the biggest amount of change.

Jacki Collins Dead at 77

Jacki Collins, a novelist and gay icon, died last week at the age of 77 after losing a long fighting battle with breast cancer. Her battle lasted 6 years. Her family wishes that her fans who wish to help with their loss would consider donating to the Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Organization.