Well Millikin, it has been a tough start to the year here. We as a community spent our last night of summer vacation mourning the death of fellow Millikin student Amanda Puckett. Now more than ever is the time for us to come together as a family to celebrate the legacy that Amanda has left behind and support one another. Let’s use this year as a tribute to Amanda.
As for Student Senate, we are getting ready to hit the ground running! By the time this edition of the Fireside Chat is published, the Executive Board for Student Senate will have completed their fall retreat! This is our way to look into the semester and see what we can do to better represent and help the student body.
Some of the topics on the agenda include ways to improve the allocation process, so if you have any suggestions, please contact me. We will also discuss amendments to our constitution, possible changes to the Election Code and holding an open forum with President White.
Once we finish our retreat, the Vice Presidents will meet with their respective Senators and hold a retreat of their own to discuss a more specialized plan of attack. For those of you who do not know, every Senator in Student Senate has a Vice President they report to, who reports to me as President.
I am also excited to see what will happen with the Fall Election! For the 8 available positions, I have had 47 people interested in applying contact me in less than 24 hours! The ballots should be sent to students by the time this edition of the Decaturian is published. Check your email and vote! Let your voice be heard!
As for ways to help the student body, I have had people approaching me concerning the Involvement Fair. Many students were questioning why the fair was moved to the middle of the day as opposed to the evening like it has been in previous years. I, along with Student Senate, will do some investigating to see why the change happened and get back to you by the next edition. Also, a major shout out to Sophomore Senator Abby Beaty for covering the Student Senate table at the Involvement Fair!
I am so excited to see things moving in Senate! During the summer I heard a quote from former Girl Scouts of America CEO Francis Hesselbein, saying “To serve is to lead.” For Student Senate this is the philosophy we should live by. We are here to serve the student body. We are here to represent the student body. My goal as Student Senate is to leave this year with both the Senate and my constituency in a better position than what I came into. I, along with all the other Senators, am here to serve you.