Millikin In The Stars

21 March – 20 April
A serious attitude will make people take you seriously, but at the cost of them thinking you’re only serious. Don’t be afraid to crack a few jokes and smile every now and again.

21 April – 21 May
Be willing to compromise and be aware that anxiety often inhibits flexibility. If you’re feeling particularly anxious, don’t be afraid to ask for a time out and step out of the situation for a bit.

22 May – 21 June
A sudden change in feelings is to be expected. It may take a little while to feel connected and grounded, but no one can plant your roots but you.

22 June – 22 July
Which direction is that conversation heading in? Be careful of warning signs and bridges that might be less than sturdy. You don’t have to be everyone’s friend.

23 July – 22 August
Not feeling like yourself? You just might be forgetting your old self and turning into someone new, just make sure it’s the kind of person you want to be and not who people expect you to be.

23 August – 23 September
Lots to do requires lots of focus, don’t worry about how you’ll be perceived if you say no to a few invitation, your own needs come first.

24 September – 23 October
Endings can be bitter sweet. Make sure that you’re making the right preparations for the future. Don’t let the feeling of being overwhelmed stop you from making your dreams come true.

24 October – 22 November
Eager to help others, but weary of being taken advantage of? Find people and organizations you can trust, and you’ll watch new relationships blossom.

23 November – 21 December
If healing needs to be done, look to spend some time meditating in a new place. Explore your new environment on your own and don’t be scared to go outside the lines that have been drawn for you.

22 December – 20 January
Every day you have the chance to make a big difference in someone’s life. Look for that opportunity, take it and see your own well-being improve.

21 January – 19 February
It’s good to have a new group of friends, but maintaining friendships involves work. Don’t rely on everyone else to keep up to date with you, put in the effort to see these friendships grow.

February 20 – March 20
You could benefit from some quality time spent with the people you love. Even when they are far away, a handwritten letter can help improve the mood and outlook of all parties.