Race to the Finish

The end is near. With spring break wrapping up, and Easter just around the corner, we have officially hit the downward slope on the 2014-2015 academic school year which could mean a lot of different things for many different students.

Across the board, however, it does mean that all of our lives are about to get a little more hectic. All of the clubs and student organizations will try to wedge in a last few meetings and events before we all scatter for the summer. Teachers will realize they don’t have as much time as they thought they did, and the semester may start to get overloaded with homework and assignments. Or maybe your teacher hasn’t assigned anything extra at all and you’re just really bad at procrastinating those assignments that have been on the syllabus for weeks. Make sure that in the last weeks you’re getting the rest to not burn completely out by finals, shower often, do your laundry, study and manage your time. As the year comes to a close it will mean different things for all us on campus.

Starting off, a huge congratulations to the graduating class of 2015. As a member of the class, I can attest that it has been a journey these past few years at Millikin. There have been plenty of up and downs, changes in majors, new friends to be made, new paths paved. Some of us are still facing years of school to come, so to those of you headed off to grad-schools in August or even before, the best of luck, and I wish you all of the motivation and drive in the entire world. To those who are seeking in employment in couple months may your search be prosperous and you your résumé be filled with gold. We are on the final stretch of the journey.

To rest of the students who will be continuing down their paths at Millikin, good luck to you as well. A lot of change is in the season at Millikin, find a way to make the best of whatever you have to live with, or where you have to live. It’s your college experience make sure to fill it full of what is going to work best for you. Shape the experience to best suit you and make of it what you can!

To any faculty and staff that has retirement on the horizon or may be pursuing career options elsewhere, thanks for the service and knowledge you have leant to campus. The university will be different without you here.

To the foreign exchange students who are approaching the end of their studies abroad, I hope that your time here has been full of the memories, learning and growth. It has been a privilege to have so much culture and diversity spread across such a small campus. May your last couple weeks before you return home be memorable.

The end will be here before you know it. Make sure you take time on Easter break to catch your breath, because when we come back it will be crunch time. We’re starting to get down to the wire. Only six weeks of classes left!