Netflix Review: Magic Beyond Words

There are a lot of true gems on Netflix: “Breaking Bad,” “Doctor Who” and “Orange is the New Black” to name a few. Then there are movies that you look at and think, “This is obviously just fluff to fill their site.” While there are many B movies on Netflix, looks can be deceiving. This week’s movie is one of this nature.

Lifetime movie “Magic Beyond Words” is a movie style documentary of the life of world renowned author J.K. Rowling, based off of her unofficial biography. Lifetime movies have a bad connotation because of their cheesy and sappy nature. While this movie is no exception, it’s a must see for all Harry Potter fans.

The great thing about this movie is that it gives an insight into the workings behind Harry Potter. It shows her home life and how her mother died at a young age from complications because of her multiple sclerosis. It also shows her struggle to find her path in life; bringing her to Puerto Rico where she meets her future abusive husband.

It shows the tale of a woman who, when she lost everything, Harry was always there for her. At her lowest moment, she was a single mother in England trying to support her child and herself on assistance from the state. Because she had lost everything, she had nothing to lose. This is when Harry truly came into play; for it was only when she had no hope could she put her faith in her writing. And as they say, the rest is history.

The great thing about this being on Netflix is convenience. Because of the extremely strict copyright laws that the Harry Potter franchise is under there is a pretty solid guarantee that it will never come on Netflix. However if you, like me, are in the mood for Harry Potter but can’t play DVDs on your computer, this movie helps fill that hole.

College is a time where we go through copious amounts of ups and downs. For those of us who grew up with Harry Potter this little movie style documentary can help remind us where we came from and how our innocence all started. So take a trip down memory lane and try this absolutely cheesy but all together wonderful movie.