The Future Is Now: Hendo Hover
There is one piece of futuristic technology that we have all been waiting for ever since Back to the Future II: the Hoverboard. Since this point there have been several false alarms and phony videos; enough to be skeptical of any claim to a real. However, a company called Hendo Hover has been working on the technology to make Hoverboards happen. Their innovative crew has come up with hover technology that can not only be applied to a Hoverboard, but it also to buildings that a susceptible to earth quakes.
The Hendo Hoverboard is a small step in the right direction. The board hovers an inch above the ground when a user is standing on it. To move the board you simply move like you would on a normal skateboard by shifting your weight from side to side. You can customize the board to be any color or pattern you like so that your board will fit your personality. There are two foot pads that have a material that makes for optimal friction. It has four hover engines on the bottom that make the glide as smooth as possible.
Right now it seems like this board does have a few issues. The one most blaringly obvious upon witnessing its operation is the sound. The board itself is very loud making it difficult to hear anything but the board. They also did not make it known whether the operation of this board required the rider to be on a grid. If the board is magnet based it makes sense that it would need a grid. However if it does need a grid that make all practicality of the board go away.
The inventors at Hendo Hover have found a way to make this Hoverboard tech useful for more than just recreation. They believe that if you were to put this tech at the foundation of a building in mass quantities and had motion sensors on it, the building itself could slightly hover just enough so that if there was ever an earth quake there would be minimal damage. This use of technology could save cities billions of dollars in repairs that earthquakes cause each year. The technology that they use for this is something they like to call a whitebox. This is simply a box that houses their technology.
While it will be a few years before the board will go out to the public, anyone can buy their whiteboxes so they can create their own hovering gadgets. It is for technology like this that this column was created.