The Perks of Being Awesomesauce

Dearest readers, life is not always awesomesauce. Odds are you’re most likely all well aware of that fact. Life’s rough. We can plan and prepare as much as possible, but all that planning and preparing does not automatically guarantee success. Preparations can go awry. Well thought-out plans often falter or change direction, sometimes even abruptly.

I know from personal experience that having such a treasured plan change course right as it seemed to be going well is a considerably frustrating experience. It may be frustrating, but it does not have to be a negative experience as well. It just takes a little shift in your personal perspective.

Sometimes, the rough times we encounter are due to factors beyond our control. These external factors may even include the people around us. The unfortunate reality is that people are subject to change as quickly, and as suddenly as our plans do. A best friend and trusted confidante may end up growing away and apart from you. In other situations, somebody you thought of as a genuine, trustworthy individual may simply be hiding their true colors. If someone shows a negative, perhaps even hateful and backstabbing personality, please do not continue to associate with that person. We all have a history. We all have fond memories. But please do not let these fond memories cloud your judgment. People with negative and cruel personalities tend to have a negative impact on those around them. Do not allow yourself to be “poisoned” in this manner just because of a few happy memories. Sometimes it is truly best to let the past stay in the past.

Once again, I cannot stress the importance in personal perspective enough. For us to grow and develop, we have to be able to accept change. Things cannot stay the same forever. Plans cannot always go exactly as planned 100 percent of the time. That would make life pretty boring. Think about it. Do you really want to go through life always maintaining the same ideas, never allowing yourself to be challenged? Being challenged is not boring. It is, in fact, pretty awesomesauce.

Sometimes the willingness to accept change takes work. This is especially true in those cases when a plan we were counting on seems to come apart right before our eyes. If and when this should happen to you, try not to freak out about it. I know how difficult THAT is too. Start by simply sitting down and taking a deep breath. Inhale and exhale slowly, as many times as you need to calm yourself down. Go over your options. Talk with a friend, family member or faculty member if it helps. Do not try to figure out a situation as quickly as possible. Sometimes, all that’s necessary is time to think things through. A little time can work wonders.

Until next time, be sure to smile. Keep your head up, focusing on what lies ahead. Above all, never forget that you are awesomesauce.