Gym Tracks: Workout Music
We’re all trying to keep up with out New Year’s Resolutions, and for a lot of us that means we are trying very hard to shed those extra pounds we packed away over the Christmas season. Going to the gym is hard. Exercising is hard. Keeping a New Year’s Resolutions past January is hard. No matter what your resolution was, here are 10 tracks that are guaranteed to make your workout a little more exciting, or help you stick to whatever it is you’ve chosen to resolve for a couple weeks.
- We have to stick with a workout classic. The Eye of the Tiger by Survivor. What better song to celebrate your passion and determination to stick to your resolutions.
- Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars is catchy upbeat song that is sure to have you bobbing your head during a routine workout. It’s also guaranteed to follow you home and stick in your head after you a long gone from the gym.
- Continuing in the same vein of very catchy and repetitive pop music, you can always flip your iPod over to some good Taylor Swift. Don’t even pretend that you haven’t sung along to Shake it Off at least once. Shake those extra pounds and your haters off.
- Another classic gym song, We are the Champions. You can do this. Go for another rep. You are the champion.
- There is No Place I’d Rather Be than the gym, said no one. Even if you didn’t want to go, turn this song on and pretend that you are happy to be there.
- Are you going harder than the guy next to you, better than the old guy doing pull ups, faster than the girl on the treadmill, and stronger than anyone else in the gym, then you probably want Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger by Daft Punk.
- Feeling like you’ve got something to prove? Listen to We Will Rock You. Let everyone at the gym know that you are in fact the best.
- Maybe you should try looking Fancy while you are in the gym. “I’m a fatty, I already know. I’m on the treadmill, as fast as it will go.” No? Okay.
- Nicki Minaj got pretty fit working out at the tiny little gym in the rainforest maybe you could try working out Anaconda.
- We’ve all got 99 problems, but being out of shape won’t be one. Try listening to Problem by Arianna Grande, you get bonus points if you can understand what she is actually saying.
No matter what your resolution is, try to stick with it. How cool would it be if you could actually say that you finally accomplished a lousy New Year’s Resolution and stop making that same old weight loss goal?