Straight from Strater

No matter who you are or how open you claim to be to new ideas, values, or life styles to be gaining perspective from someone else’s point of view is a feat that not that many people succeed in. It is extremely difficult for almost anyone to look at someone who is different from them, without questions or difficulty understanding them arising. This is not to say that person is hateful or closeminded, but think of how everyone has difficulty assessing the mind of someone else entirely. It’s not easy being able to contain your views as well as being able to accept someone else’s, whoever they are entirely.

Unfortunately, although the society that we currently occupy has indeed become a better society in which people are increasingly more tolerant and accepting than in past years, closemindedness and un-cooperation is indeed still a problem that is still currently affecting everyday life. Take politics into account for example, one of the biggest aspects of everyday society where closemindedness is still a running amuck. In today’s political atmosphere, with many politicians, especially those running as a party candidate in the current election, many politicians are either on the extreme right or the extreme left, with only a small group of politicians in the direct middle. Arguably, with the influence of the political spectrum that politicians have on the rest of society, they influence a fair amount of citizens leaning to the far right or to the far left yet very few in between. This causes many problems in assessing the problems of the country such as citizens on the far right normally forget about social issues while those on the far left usually forget about economic issues.

Another aspect of closemindedness, or rather a petty response to a movement that has significant meaning to a great majority of people affected by persecution and violence, steams from a long history of the aforementioned persecution and violence. Over the last year and a half, and continuing into this year, with all of the violence that has been inflicted on African Americans, usually due to police violence, has created the new movement of Black Lives Matter. This movement spreads awareness on the harassment, violence and injustice that African Americans have faced and are continuing to face. Because of the name of the movement, many citizens of the United States, but mostly Caucasian Americans, have been angered by the name of the movement. From what I have heard from those angry about the movement, it stems from their belief that the name of the movement intention is to downgrade the value of Caucasian American lives, instead favoring African American lives. This has been combated with statements such as White Lives Matter or All Lives Matter. In truth, everyone knows that truly all lives do matter, but in the climate of hate that surrounds that African American community, it is black lives that need attention to the injustice that they experience. As you can see, this closemindedness towards a meaningful movement is impacting the movement.

Additionally, another closeminded approach towards a movement with a lot of meaning stems from feminist values. Although the equality of women has risen significantly in this country, controversies such as the pay gap and breast feeding in public are still issues women face daily. Because of this inequality, feminists have continued their fight to achieve full equality. Nevertheless, this has resulted in the formation of a meninist movement, which aims to argue that the feminist movement itself is sexist towards men. The whole concept of meninist’s is just to for people who do not understand that feminism does not mean equality of one gender over another, it means equality for all genders, sexes and races etc. Meninist needs to understand that women around the world will continue to fight for equality daily.