Netflix Review: Trailer Park Boys

What qualities create the best television show, comedy, crime, drama and everything in-between? Although it’s difficult to combine all of these different genres together, one Canadian television program, which has gained its popularity from Netflix, has been successful in this experimentation and has become the crowning pinnacle of current television, “Trailer Park Boys.”

The program, created by Mike Clattenburg, chronicles the lives of three petty felons, Julian, Ricky and Bubbles (played by John Paul Tremblay, Robb Wells and Mike Smith), who live in a trailer park in Nova Scotia. Shot in a mockumentary style, each season focuses on the three main characters attempts to achieve prosperity, usually by illegal means, while simultaneously attempting to avoid prison, a goal that is never accomplished as the main characters return to jail at the end of every season.

Although the program focuses heavily on its three main characters, the series is also home to a wide cast of colorful characters. Actors John Dunsworth and Patrick Roach play Jim Lahey and Randy, the former an alcoholic, ex-police officer turned trailer park supervisor, and the latter a former prostitute who is Jim Lahey’s assistant trailer park supervisor. The two supervisors, who are also a couple on the show, attempt to thwart the three main character’s plans to get rich, while causing destruction along the way.

Other characters include Cory and Trevor, played by Cory Bowles and Michael Jackson, the dimwitted duo who assist the three main characters in their schemes; J-Roc, played by Jonathan Torrens, a wannabe rapper; and Trinity, played by Jeanna Harrison, Ricky’s chain-smoking young daughter.

The acting process of the cast is extremely unique for any program. Instead of going in and out of character in between takes and shooting times, many of the cast members choose to remain in character, going so far as to even acting as their characters during a press conference. The cast also uses improvisation heavily, which, according to actor Robb Wells, has created many of the program’s funniest moments.

The program is also extremely versatile, as it blends both genres and different types of humor together. Although the program is mainly a comedy, there are minor aspects of both crime and drama mixed throughout the show. As the three main characters mainly attempt to get rich by growing and selling Hashish, a type of marijuana, they run into trouble with both the law and other drug dealers, which usually results in violence. Many of the main characters also experience poverty. Ricky, for instance, lives in his car throughout the entire series. Family problems are also another significant part of the program. Jim Lahey and Randy, for example, go through several break-ups throughout the show, and Ricky makes frequent attempts to get back into the lives of his wife and daughter.

Although “Trailer Park Boys” is one of the most ridiculous shows of all time, it is also one of the most successful. Although the show ended in 2007, it was put on Netflix, where many of its current viewers discovered it, and its popularity has increased immensely, bringing fortune and fame to the cast. In fact, the show’s popularity is so great that, in 2014, an eighth season of the show was added to Netflix, which received extremely positive ratings.

A ninth season will be released on Netflix in March of this year.