Jeana’s Declassified College Survival Guide

Spring Burnout Edition

April 12, 2021

Covid-19 has made being a college student especially hard. We all know this, but the Spring 2021 semester is proving to be the hardest one yet, at least for Millikin students anyway. With no spring break this year, we are feeling more burnt out by college than we ever have, and I am here to offer you some advice on how to cope with that. 

For those of you who have not read my columns before, my name is Jeana Pierson. I am a junior, and this is my Ned Bigby-inspired column where I help Millikin students through the chaos that is college life in the Millibubble.

Here are my tips and tricks, dos and don’ts, ins and outs, on how to get through the spring semester burnout.

Make the most of EVERY upcoming event. Millikin just lifted the restrictions on how many people can attend an outdoor event. This means campus-wide events can happen again! This is just the beginning of the return to normalcy. Go to sporting events, you get in free with your Millikin ID! A lot of sporting events are going on right now. Also, pay attention to events taking place on the quad. Stay tuned with Millikin social media and keep an eye out for emails with upcoming events, so you can be sure to not miss a single one!

Tell your professors how you feel. Don’t be afraid to let your professors know when you are struggling or if something is not working out for you. Professors may be feeling burnout, too, and talking with them may not only alleviate your stress but could help someone else out in the class as well. This could be as simple as sending them an email or meeting with them during their Zoom office hours. Professors may also have resources that could help you out with your area of struggle.

Stop comparing your situation to others. Some schools have spring break, some schools have wellness days, every school is different. Don’t fall into the trap of comparing your situation to others. For me, this is through social media. A girl I went to high school with is currently on spring break in Florida and is posting all over social media about it. I had to take a break from Instagram for a while because I couldn’t stop obsessing over what everyone else was doing compared to me. Social media is fake. Focus on your own mental health, schooling, and happiness.

Don’t forget to take care of yourself. For many of us, this time of the school year is crunch time. Midterms are over, finals are looming, and mental health is draining. Remember to give yourself some breaks, drink some water, and get some exercise. Your well-being should come above all else. This connects back to communicating with your professors, if you are not doing okay, let them know. Talk to someone about it whether that is your roommate, RA, advisor, or professor. You have a support system here on campus. Use it. We are here for you and want you to be the best version of yourself.

Get some Vitamin D. I woke up this morning to the sunshine and let me tell you, it was beautiful. I was immediately in a happy mood. Enjoy the beautiful weather. The beautiful weather is one reason why I love the spring semester. Last Saturday I spent six hours (SIX HOURS!) sitting on the lawn at my sorority house and it was an amazing day. One beauty of Zoom class is that you can join from virtually anywhere. Take your laptop outside for class. In your free time, go on a walk at Fairview. Slow down a little on your walk to or around campus and really enjoy the springtime. 

Remember the finish line is near. Mark the date in your calendar ladies and gentlemen. The end is near. With the spring semester ending a little bit early the end of the semester is quickly approaching. You have survived almost an entire year of online classes during a pandemic. Don’t diminish how amazing that is. You freaking did it. Take a bow, give yourself a pat on the back, sing a song, do a dance, whatever you want to do to celebrate because we have done what has never been done before. You are iconic and you are almost done.

Look forward to next semester. Tying into the last point, this is supposed to be the “end” (we’ll probably never be truly free of it, sadly) of Zoom classes. If you’ve been paying attention to your Millikin news, you would know that next semester, fall 2021, is planned to be 100% in person. This is another reason to celebrate, safely anyway. Once this semester is through, we will be as close to back-to-normal as we can be. The Millikin experience will be back. We’re talking New Student Welcome Week, concerts, games, homecoming, the amazing Cookie Party, Greek Week, graduations, etc. will be back. And if you don’t know what I’m talking about, i.e., freshmen, get ready because the Millibubble will be restored and ready for you.

I hope you have found these tips helpful to you in surviving the spring semester burnout brought to you by Covid-19. I tried to end it on a positive note, so hopefully, you feel as hopeful as I do about the upcoming semester. As always, I am Jeana Pierson, and this is my Walmart brand Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide.

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