The Millikin women’s tennis team opened up their season on Sept. 3, instead of Tuesday due to the weather.
On Sept. 3, the women’s team won against Illinois College with a 7-2 opening win in Jacksonville, Ill. The Big Blue gained three singles wins with sophomore Melissa Donovan with 6-1, 6-1 against Lisa Noggle at number three singles.
With number four singles was Amber Morgan (senior) who beat Jovanna Chavez 6-0, 6-0. Paige Bequette won number two singles with 6-3, 6-1 wins over Tamar Norville adding another single win for the Big Blue women’s tennis team.
In the doubles, Millikin scored two wins. These wins included freshman Taylor Stanchin and Aubrie Sabin (junior), who won at number two doubles with a score of 8-0. Melissa Donovan and Molly Angell (sophomore) won number one doubles with a score of 9-7. A number one single match as lost by the Big Blue, and Kathryn Ryan took the win for the Lady Blues.