Millikin In The Stars

21 March – 20 April
Your life might feel dramatic, but take a step back and it’s easy to see that all your problems come from the same place.

21 April – 21 May
Now is the time to share your feelings. Keeping them pent up has only caused stress and anxiety. Share what’s been on your mind and you’ll find yourself feeling better and more confident.

22 May – 21 June
This is a good week to lay low and focus the majority of your energy on yourself. Don’t spend so much time fretting over the things that you may be missing or what people will think of you for not being there. Take this week to think about yourself and what you need.

22 June – 22 July
The plan you had clearly needs to change. It’s time to re-evaluate and make a new plan, one that combines the new things you love with the old things you’re not willing to let go of. It’s okay to hold onto the past, just remember that you’re living in it.

23 July – 22 August
Mornings aren’t your time of day and that’s okay, but it’s time to accept it. Stop trying to plan things for the early hours of the day and you’ll be better off for it. Accept your limitations and recognize that you can’t be the best at everything.

23 August – 23 September
You don’t need to pretend to like something just because everyone else says they like it. Don’t worry about fitting in with the crowd. Being yourself will draw similar minded people to you and raise your confidence.

24 September – 23 October
Don’t let yourself be trapped by bad habits. Even when procrastination seems like the most fun option, remember all the times that it has turned out terribly. Live in the present but plan for the future.

24 October – 22 November
Jealousy solves nothing and doesn’t help in any situation. Calm down and really think about your feelings, then share them without fear of ridicule. People want you to be happy and well off, not suffering in silence.

23 November – 21 December
Allow yourself to have some fun every once and a while. Worrying about all your responsibilities and troubles will prevent you from having a good mindset. Be able to close down the nagging part of your brain and have a little fun now and again.

22 December – 20 January
The conflict you knew was boiling is about to burst. Trying to avoid it was the wrong choice but now you have learned that and won’t need to repeat the lesson in the future. Things will be hard for you but just know that it will end and your life will get back to normal sooner than you think.

21 January – 19 February
You know you’re not being realistic. The ideas and plans you have are far from reach and only getting farther with each bad decision you make. You need to think more about your actions and how they will affect you in the future. Be kind to people, they will be what pushes you forward or holds you back in the future.

February 20 – March 20
It can be difficult to understand why some people refuse to change their opinion, even in the face of mountains of information. Accept that you can’t always know everyone’s motive, but that you can keep an open mind yourself.